If You Want To Save America And The World:

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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:


Remember that Adolph rode to the top by promising to make Germany great again ...
He also denigrated certain segments of the populace to give the larger population a scapegoat for, among other things, Versailles.

Here us an interesting analysis: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... -partner-1

Tom M.
T4WD augury?
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Petros »

Shame on you Tom, Trump has no interest in exterminating a minority, murdering or ruling like a tyrant. I am not a Trump fan, but all of this smearing of a person you never met is rather disgusting and uncalled for.

One thing we know for sure is that Hillary has a long history of corruption, deception, and taking pay offs for favorable treatment. And a record of incompetence.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Mattel »

Splatterdog - I think the problem is with the two party system as Jonymoto mentioned. with respect all I'm hearing is excuses that the GOP have let them selves get to this situation. They - and the mainstream media who writes the script of division and corruption in politics that opened up space for Trump to enter - much like Bush2 invaded the middle east on lies and left a huge space for ISIS to start up - where now you complain about Syrian refugees (if you want to know about the potential of immigrants to work hard then you only need to see how hard their children work)- that are part of your half assed attempt to regime change in the Middle East Remember, Like Australia, you are a nation of immigrants.

Do you think going to war will cost less being diplomatic ties with Iran?

I thought the US economy was picking up (slowly changing anyway - manufacturing is dying anywhere west of Hong Kong).

Will a protest vote for Trump be cutting off your nose in spite of your face? do you not want to be taken seriously around the world anymore? You want to be radical? Bernie Sanders is radical. Trump is the frankenstein child of the GOP.

Clinton isn't perfect but she probably has a better grasp on the nuances and complexities of office more than newsbites. She has a terrible media presence that isn't helpful but as far as political legacies goes - youve had worse! As far as the obstructive policies of the GOP in watering down and blocking legislation that Obama has put through. You understand that the american system is financed by war but you say that anyone attacks this is denigrating the military? now your are maintaining the status quo.

Do you understand that the nationalised healthcare system of Australia for instance is more efficient than the current system in the USA? We have a high proportion of atheists in Australia than the USA but that doesn't stop us taking care of our fellow man.

One of the reasons I'm glad I live in a country where the most conservative prime minister of the last generation banned automatic weapons - yep I feel safe! . And I'm happy to have a Green party represent me in parliament. One of those reasons is to keep the major parties honest.

I've always been interested that the happiest places on earth are the scandinavian ones of Denmark Iceland and Sweden. Seems like a good way to judge who is the greatest nation on earth!
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by splatterdog »

Our choices usually suck. The two party system only seems to encourage the us against them mentality. Humans have enough "reasons" to hate one another. Sticking our noses in others business doesn't help either. Isn't there anyone in the middle? So much extremism on every front.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:


Petros wrote:Shame on you Tom, Trump has no interest in exterminating a minority, murdering or ruling like a tyrant. I am not a Trump fan, but all of this smearing of a person you never met is rather disgusting and uncalled for.
I merely pointed out that what Trump is doing by denigrating certain segments of the population, those who wish to emigrate here, and portraying 'Murrica as "weakened" and promising to "make it great again" is just exactly the same scenario Adolph followed in his ascendancy.

I did NOT compare Trump to Hitler - I simply pointed out that it is (apparently) a very effective strategy. Reread my post - and reflect!

His rhetoric has appealed to a disaffected portion of the electorate, just as Adolph's appealed to those disenchanted by Germany's capitulation at Compiègne and the humbling and crushing terms imposed at Versailles and by doing that, gave credence to a belief that Germany had been betrayed by its leaders in the surrender and by the Weimar government, just as Trump avers that the USA and its ideals have been betrayed by Obama and other political "insiders."

Incidentally, my "smearing" of Trump is hardly less than what he has been doing to women and physically-disabled persons, let alone his xenophobia.
His tactics are not "disgusting and uncalled for?" Again - HA!
Sauce bonne pour l'oie est bonne pour le jars!

To reiterate - this strategy has been effective in both instances. In fact, its effectiveness dated to Rome: Remember "bread and circuses?"
I did not compare the goals of either man...
Tom M.

P.S. - Note that I made no references to similar hairstyles...
>>>>>That was a joke... :wink:
T4WD augury?
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Petros »

Tom, you have believed the lies of those that oppose Trump.

Again, I am not a Trump fan. But he, like most Americans, are NOT opposed to those that want to immigrate here. They just want them to do it legally. Is there anything wrong with asking those the come here to follow the law? Just like those that already live here?

My own parents are immigrants, they went through the process and became legal residence, than the first chance the got, became citizens. Is that too much to ask for?

What he supports, like most on the political right, is a generous immigration policy that allows more people to come and work here legally. Than we can have a chance to screen them and if they commit crimes send them back.

You you actually think you are fooling anyone by calling him "opposed to immigration" because he thinks those the come here should follow the law? Like everyone else that already lives here? Do you think it is a rational policy allow any one to come here, unscreened, unchecked, unaccounted for, including a lot of criminals?

No country in the world has such an idiotic suicidal policy.

Besides, it is your democrat party that has opposed all attempts to revise our ou dated immigration policy. It was never the Republicans, never. The trade unions have opposed revised immigration policy, and they have the democrats in the pocket. So the Dems point the finger at the Republicans, while undermining every attempt to change the immigration laws. Reagan, Bush and Bush all attempted to reviese our immigration laws, all opposed by Dems. What has Clinton and Obama done to change immigration laws? NOTHING but oppose changes.

Go look it up. Do not be so naive, and allow the TV to do your thinking for you. I have one Mexican American acquaintance (among many) who was a big democrat supporter over this issue (he even ran for local office as a democrat), and he was critical of me voting Republican (most of the time anyway) over the immigration issue. I pointed out the history of this issue, saying it was HIS party that prevented him from having his relatives come to live with him. He did not beleive me so I challanged him to look it up. After he looked into it, he switch political party. He realized that everything he actually believed (he was also a regular church goer, self employed, and a family man), was more aligned with the other party.

Personally the social issues I am not so concerned with, but I believe in freedom, liberty for all. And in fiscal accountability. And the only party that supports our constitution, and our personal rights and liberty, is one small part of the Republican party (and unfortunately it seems it is not even a majority of them). the democrats are way off the scale when it comes to fiscal responsibility, and freedom. Plus it seems the political left is riff with corruption and illegal behavior (to be fair this happens in both parties, but it is so endemic in the dem party they are completely shameless about it).
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by irowiki »

After four years of dealing with "legally" immigrating the wife into the US from Canada, you can be assured I'm very against illegal immigrants and very for anyone who will fix the system.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:


Peter: simply reread my prior post.
I compared the methods used by both men; nothing more and nothing less.
Tom M.
T4WD augury?
"Oh, do not ask, 'What is it?' Let us go and make our visit."
T.S. Eliot - "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Jonymoto »

A few years ago, we used to have a female politician here named Pauline Hanson. She was very anti immigration/refugees/non christian and non whites. She appealed greatly to the right wingers. Now both of our major parties have adopted her policies and use refugees/immigrants as political football. They try to outdo each other on who can inflict the most on the so called boat people. We spend billion of $ to prevent refugees arriving here by boats. When they do manage to get in our waters we lock them up in illegal off shore detention centres in Papua New Guinea, Manus Island, Cambodia, etc. At the same time we turn a blind eye to thousand of illegals and overstayers who come by planes. The current conservative government's latest claim is that refugees are illiterate and will take Australian jobs. In reality, the government has allowed businesses to import cheap labour on special visas to take jobs here to bring down wages, supposedly jobs that Aussies do not want.
My guess is that if DT doesn't become president, your two major parties will steal his policies/ideas to appeal to the right wingers just like ours did with Hanson's ideas.

Petros, as far as I can see there are at least 3 or 4 countries who have a suicidal immigration policy through no fault of theirs, Iraq, Syria, libya, Palestine, etc, thanks to war mongers like little Bush, Blair, Obama and our very own ex prime minister Howard and the current bunch of lackeys in our parliament. They can no longer control their own borders and IS is proof of that. I'm no great supporter of the dictators that used to or is running these countries, but we choose to forget that we created the situation in the ME before and after 9/11. As Colin Powell said, if you break it you own it. So now we own the mess we've created and the refugees from these countries.
You can all tell me to shut up if you like and that whoever becomes president in the US is a US domestic matter, but don't forget that our politicians here have no back bone. If DT or HC become war mongers like Bush was, Oz will just follow, no question asked and that does concern me. For this reason, I'm entitled to my 2 cents worth.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Ridlbox »

I'm staying out of this conversation
i will find a tercel in a music video
That's my new goal 8)
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Jonymoto »

Ridlbox, maybe I should too before I get arrested by our Aust. Federal Police for breeching our sedition law. So I will leave the discussion now. But it is great seeing Tercel lovers having very intelligent amical conversations other than cars.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by atoyta »

Jonymoto wrote:Ridlbox, maybe I should too before I get arrested by our Aust. Federal Police for breeching our sedition law. So I will leave the discussion now. But it is great seeing Tercel lovers having very intelligent amical conversations other than cars.
Really??? You are joking are you not?
I just see no good choice at all out of the candidates. Everyone of them makes me cringe.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Jonymoto »

Most likely they won't. But the law was really brought in to shut Journalists up about operational matters. We have a fed election coming up in June and the gov't is using terrorism fear campaign to get votes. They want us to believe that they are the only party that can keep terrorism out and that can keep our borders close. They are falling behind in the polls and they'll do anything to appear to be in control. I just don't trust them.
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Mattel »

I just want to save all the Tercel 4wds
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Re: If You Want To Save America And The World:

Post by Jonymoto »

http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/kingswoo ... 1110280966

Matt, have you seen this one? Been on gum tree for a long time now.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson - The Dalai Lama
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