Unidentified broken object from transmission

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Unidentified broken object from transmission

Post by Mogordo »

Hi, My '83 Sentra had popped out of fifth gear a few times and I pulled the transmission apart thinking I would find worn teeth on 5th gear or in the sleeve or hub as is a common cause of that. All teeth looked good though so I don't know what the issue is. But when I pulled the transmission case off two pieces of what look like copper fell out. Both originally one piece and one got crumpled but the other didn't. I am wondering if anyone with more transmission experience has an idea what the pieces used to be? And also if a piece would likely repeatedly interfere with staying in fifth if it got in the gears or if that is pretty unlikely.
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Re: Unidentified broken object from transmission

Post by NWMO »

No help on the “pieces”. If the car shifts ok, I would suspect the problem has more to do with the detents. I believe detents are usually spring-loaded “balls” (or similar rounded end) that basically provide resistance to keep the transmission in gear. It could also be that there is wear allowing the main shaft or 5th gear set to move more than they should.

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Re: Unidentified broken object from transmission

Post by Mogordo »

Thanks Chris. Today I searched diagrams again and watched a video of someone restoring the 4 speed version of this trans. and I have seen nothing that looks at all like the piece so I'm going to just keep it in mind but put it back together anyway, it's better off out of there than floating around.
The detents were mentioned somewhere else as a possibility, I don't know if I can check them easily because I am new to poking around in transmissions, I can see on diagrams roughly where they are but am not familiar with them. Some say input shaft bearing being worn can allow too much play but this transmission is quite quiet even when the clutch pedal is up and it feels smooth (it does shift well into all gears) besides the 5th issue so the detents seem more likely than that.
Some say even motor and transmission mounts being worn can cause it which the ones in this one are. I'm going to replace them regardless after checking them. This is the car I am driving so I can give the poor noisy trans. on the Tercel a break maybe until I replace it so I don't want to pull it apart much more and guess I'll probably end up just putting it back together for now and if it doesn't stay in 5th I just won't use it. Been doing that a few weeks anyway. Assuming all the other gears stay well which I'm guessing they will.
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Re: Unidentified broken object from transmission

Post by Mogordo »

I've got an update. I put the transmission case and pieces I had pulled apart back together minus the broken bushing type thing. Before filling trans. with gear oil I ran through the gears with the car off and everything seemed as good as before. I filled transmission and changed the four motor mounts and one transmission mount. I have since driven roughly 700 miles, many of them in fifth. Still goes easily into fifth but now solidly stays there until I take it out (: My guess is the crumpled piece of bushing was interfering somehow but it is possible it had to do with the mounts. The broken piece was apparently not an entirely necessary piece.
I was rather relieved and excited that this particular thing worked out. It's quite nice to drive in fifth with this car again.
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Re: Unidentified broken object from transmission

Post by Mogordo »

Further update: It started popping out of fifth again. So for now I am going to settle for having a four-speed.
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